Saturday, April 28, 2007


At last.

An ad we can understand. An ad we can relate to. An ad we can look at.

I am a heart patient. Two years ago, I had an angioplasty. By the time the cold weather returns, I will be 65. And my sex life is dyno-mite!

You know what sex is good for?

Almost everything.

And love is even better.

You want a cure? Love somebody. Get loved. Fall in love.

The British Heart Foundation is right on the money.


Transclunk is Dead! Long

Nothing could be worse than Transclunk, right? Dozens of unelected, unaccountable mandarins spending billions of your tax dollars on buses that don't work. What could possibly be worse?

Let's not hold our breath just yet, kids. The SCBCTAA -we're not making this up, sounds like an old Bob & ray routine, I know, but this is really it - The South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act will rid us for once and for all of the Goofy Mayors Parade.

Unfortunately, it may be replaced by an equally unaccountable, anonymous secretive group of hyper-managers.

This is a mighty fine mess you've gotten us into, Kevin...uh. Ollie...

Ooops, Pooops...Jolly Green Giant Slays Harper

Al Gore has denounced Canada's Green Plan, calling it a "fraud."
Now, watch David Suzuki stopping Environment Minister, John Baird, in his green tracks.

Rostropovich plays Bach´s Bourree - Suite No 3

Bach and Slava...what more needs be said...