Notes from Show Biz Acres...
NBC's weekly half-hour comedy show "30 Rock" has won awards by the bucketful and a full-time career for Alec Baldwin, but it has yet to gather viewers in sufficient numbers to support it.
Why is that?
I'll tell you why.
I lasted about 14 laugh-deprived minutes on Thursday night and reached for the gin bottle.
(Kidding...don't have a gin bottle....come on...)
It is so precious, so look-at-me, do sophomoronic that only Tina Fey's cousin could like it.
And - while it's true that Fey's Sarah Palin is a minor if passing stroke of hilaria - this gal is just not falling down hilarious.
If the folks aren't laughing, all the critics praises will get you is a 2% decaf latte with soy, hold the cinnamon sprinkles please.
CBC Radio Two has had their bi-annual revolution, in this case throwing out all the "old" and putting front and centre all the new geniuses of broadcasting.
There is some girl doing a five-hour stint during the day of playing classical music and shrieking her personal little homilies around the songs. Shmarmy, spoiled, unbearable.
And all those years I didn't enjoy Jurgen Gothe's act on Disc Drive? (Loved the play selection, couldn't take his style.)
Now that he's been replaced by an inarticulate 20 or 30-something stumbling, rumbling bumbling boob, I am NOSTALGIC FOR J.G. Imagine!