Hi Mensch:
I sent this letter to the N-Post the day the piece ran. Naturally, as it constituted a criticism of a journalist (horrors!) they never ran it.
I'm not Jewish but I was offended by the invisible subscript that seemed to say " If you're in a small town and some bearded types with headgear move in it's upsetting but if you're in a big city and 120,000 hairy, turbaned folk move in, it proves you are multi-cultural".
Sorry. I remember small town folks shooting different people in the early 60's. Small town is not a passport for small-minded. I guess it still is.
I meet more and more people , which explains why I like my dog more everyday.
Le Boulevardier
"Barbara Kay seems to justify community wariness of Hasidic Jews on the grounds that these people with elaborate headgear and full beards constitute " a critical demographic mass of self-segregating people". Wouldn't that also describe many of Canada's Sikh communities? Both the Hasidim and the Sikhs are hard-workers with estimable business skills. True, Hasidic Jews, unlike Sikhs, tend to avoid political involvement, but then they don't demand headgear exemptions under safety laws. As for willingness to integrate, I would think that a red-haired Irish boy hoping to marry either a Sikh or Hasidic girl had better be prepared for a long wait.
Joe Clark referred to Canada as a "Community of Communities". It is really a galaxy of ghettos, a legacy of our insipid multicultural policy. Deal with it."