There is a new commercial on TV.
It is the poster child for The Law of Unintended Consequences.
No doubt, the geniuses at the high-powered and mucho muy expensive ad agency that created it and sold it to the dumb clucks called the client are thrilled.
Perhaps you've seen it.
A woman gets out of bed in the morning.
She begins her routine at top speed.
Showers, shampoos, brushes, dresses, puts on the stilettos.
All of this is shot from the floor so we never actually see any of her much above the ankles.
Terribly clever, no?
Then she high tails it uptown. I can't remember if she grabs a subway.
Then she masterfully vaults over a bit of morning dew at the curb.
Finally into her favorite eatery in town.
And the payoff?
A big greasy dripping somethingorother with egg and smoked meat and bad buns.
Let's call it The Heart Stopper.
"I'll have the Double Artery Clog, please...to go, of course. Everything I do is 'to go!"
The commercial is for MacDonald's.
Their so-called breakfast.
Apparently, in the real world - a world I have never experienced (except, of course, for the stilettos) - food is something to be gobbled in high pursuit.
It is also high in cholesterol, fats, white flour and cured meats.
This is a TV commercial designed to get you, you unsuspecting boob, to rush to the Big Arches and wolf down the worst imaginable goop for your first meal of the day.
Instead, I watch in horror asking myself, "What in god's name is wrong with that person? Has she no self-respect?"
Except, of course, for the stilettos.