Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Truth Will Out

Robertson admits to unpaid SkyTrain fine

Vancouver mayoral candidate says the $173 fine is too high
Confession: This story was handed to me on a plate last weekend. My source asked me to run with it, either on my blog or in my weekend Province column. I gave it a lot of thought, asked advice from several of my closest friends, and decided that this was not for me. Among other concerns, I did not want to be one person responsible for killing Robertson's chance at being mayor - even though I don't support him. I am glad that the story has now surfaced and I am horrified at Robertson's ridiculous response to it.

Here are the basics of the story:

Vancouver mayoral hopeful Gregor Robertson says he has yet to pay a $173 fine for accidentally riding two SkyTrain zones on a one-zone fare because he wants to draw attention to what he calls unreasonably high fines.

Total bull.

This is classic 20-20 hindsight spin and none of it is true.

Here's what really happened:

Robertson says he told the officers it was "a dumb mistake" and paid an extra dollar immediately at a ticketing machine to upgrade his fare for two zones.

The other night - Wednesday - when I was moderating a debate between Robertson and Ladner, Robertson actually claimed that the best transit systems in the world don't charge for longer fare zones, that they charge one single fare no matter how far you ride.

This is completely false.

Every system that I have used anywhere in the world - Dublin, Washington, DC, London, Rome - charge by distance travelled, as they should.

He also claimed that turnstiles that don't allow you in or out until you've fully paid, don't really pay for themselves.

Completely false.

Now, why is he contesting this ticket?

Do you know what that contesting will cost you and me?

Several thousand dollars in court time.

Robertson has already cost the tax payers several hundred thousand dollars by leaving the Legislature to which he was elected by people who trusted him to represent them for the full term of his office to run for mayor - an act of sheer ego and utter indifference to his constituents.

Behind the winning smile is ...what?

You think Gregor Robertson will improve this city?

Gregor Robertson is armed with false reports (including his pathetic and dangerous belief in the "proven science" on safe injection sites...he threatens to open five more Insites on a street near to you soon) and false and expensive ideas.

Go ahead, elect him because he's cute and charming.

And watch the city finances collapse under the weight of inappropriate and expensive social engineering and watch him call for study upon study of policy issues because he doesn't really have a take on anything important.

He just knows that he'd like to be mayor. Sort of...

Message from a Worthy Candidate

Eileen Le Gallais is running for School Trustee. When you see her name on the ballot, do the right thing and mark and X next to it.

First of all – Thank you to everyone who replied to my Candidacy Announcement. Your words of encouragement and support are much appreciated!

Since my last message, I have been knocking on doors and handing out brochures in many Vancouver neighbourhoods. I've attended meetings, fundraising dinners, attended press conferences, given interviews and even set up my own Facebook page! But most importantly, I have been spending time visiting Vancouver schools, and have heard concerns about equitable distribution of educational resources as well as concerns about various safety issues including bullying and seismic upgrading.

I am ready to start addressing these issues with my ususal no-nonsense approach to getting things done, and am very excited about having an opportunity to work with educators, trustees and all levels of government in order to ensure a positive and safe learning environment for every student.

With just 2 weeks until election day, it is not too late to:

1) Spread the word – ask for a lawn sign (all signs will be set up and removed by NPA volunteers). Sincere thanks to those of you already displaying signs.

2) Make a Donation - to cover campaign expenses such as signage, printing, and publicity. Donations can be made through the NPA website. Copy and paste this link on your internet page
(, or google "NPA, Le Gallais" to find my page on the NPA site. Click on the "donate" button and follow the prompts to make your donation.

3) Volunteer to distribute flyers (See attached word document - We will provide colour copies of this flyer for you to drop in your neighbours’ mail slots or distribute at work – just let us know how many you need.)

Pay Up, Part San (Tre, Trois...)

An excerpt from the 1993 Ahad report on SkyTrain.

3:12 Revenue leakage: There is significant revenue leakage through the barrier free SkyTrain stations. This leakage is estimated at between $10 million to $20 million annually. The current fare evasion monitoring program is not statistically verifiable and the V.P. of SkyTrain concurs with this. Please see Pete Marwick Report of March 6, 1992 confirming FALSIFICATION of fare evasion reports.

It's simple enough, the management of SkyTrain (Translink?) is grossly incompetent.

By the way, and apropos of my insistence that ShyTRain is responsible for thr spread of addictions and crime, do you know what the police routinely call the system?

The Surrey Sewer Line.