No presidential trip to Saudi Arabia would be complete without a gift of deadly weapons. President Bush has continued that tradition that stretches back to Kennedy.
For those Canadians who believe that a Democrat victory will mean an end to international meddling, I remind them that it was a Democrat administration that sent 560,000 soldiers to VietNam, where 50,000 died. Not to mention 2 million VietNamese. Nothing will change in November 2008 unless America ceases to need oil. The irony is no amount of weapons will protect Saudi Arabia from its certain and eventually successful foe, namely the millions of saudi extremists who long for a return to the 7th century. When that happens, and it will, the Saudi Princes will return to doing what their grandfathers did; warming their hands over dried camel dung fire in the desert night. Princes my royal purple ass.
Then there's France, the world's shit disturber. France announced it will provide civilian nuclear technology to the Saudis. Like they need nuclear electricity? This tiresome country of Francxe has created havoc for two centuries trying to recapture its Napoleonic glory. After performing its surrender monkey act in two world wars, precipitating the VietNam war and coddling Saddam, it is at it again.