The needle exchange in Victoria will not be allowed to move into a St. John's Ambulance building on Pandora Street. Parent at a nearby elementary school quite rightly screamed bloody murder and the ignorant, unthinking civic authorities had to back down
That's the good news.
Now, the bad.
Undaunted, the authorities will make the Victoria needle exchange mobile.
That's right.
Coming soon to a neighbourhood very, very close to you will be a travelling troop train and side show circus called the needle exchange.
Are you familiar with the Mobile Arthritis Unit? The Mobile Cancer Truck?
No, you are not. Because they do not exist.
But we will spend your tax dollars serving up needles to addicts.
And let's look at what that brings.
very same report tells us "users have been loitering outside the Cormorant Street location in large groups, leaving dirty syringes, blood and human waste."
In case, you think human waste means envelopes or file folders...no, it means pee and poo.
Do you understand that the mayor of Victoria and AIDS Vancouver Island in their superior wisdom were preparing to bring this loveliness to a site near a junior school. And now that they have been deterred from so doing by righteous public outcry, they will instead bring it on wheels to ALL neighbourhoods?
This is what happens when you sit at home and watch The Biggest Loser instead of being involved.