Bureaucrats are amazing people.
They never cease to live in duplicity and denial. They perform acts of public stupidity and then, with admirably startling ease, rationalize the harm they do.
Take the case of the School Board responsible for Lord Strathcona School here in Vancouver.
These thoughtless idiots have just torn out a grass field and replaced it with sunny, attractive gravel. Just what the Downtown east Side needs - more grey, less oxygen, less green.
Here's how James Ion (remember that ions are extremely tiny, teensy, tiny sub-visible particles), the School principal defended this act of genius.
"Many people sleep, use drugs and engage in questionable acts on the grass because it is soft and comfortable."
So, let's see if we can understand this kind of anti-thinking. Remember that this putz is a school principal. How happy does that make you? How encouraged for our children?
Instead of dealing with bad behavior ( drugs and other questionable acts), we will penalize all the children and decent people who enjoy a soft and comfortable green space by taking ti away so the bad people won't have a soft and comfortable place to be bad.
These are the minds that are managing our resources and teaching our children.
Maybe the Pope can help.