Thursday, July 14, 2011


The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal is quickly becoming an enormous and costly embarrassment.

A while back it awarded money and damages to a lesbian couple because a not-very-skilled comedian in a not-very-classy joint hurled insults a them. HELLO?

Now, the Tribunal has awarded $5,000 to a B.C. man who was denied aboriginal spiritual services while in custody in the Fraser Valley.

The man was separated numerous times in various local jails into segregated or protective custody.

This usually happens when a guy is violent and out of control.

So maybe a spiritual adviser would have been helpful. That's very possible.

But why award a violent felon $5,000 of taxpayers' money for hurt feelings?

You break the law, you fight with the guards, shitty bad things are probably going to happen.



It's the kind of story that should only happen in Vancouver.

But no, it took place in that hot bed of indigenous comedy, Austria.

Niko Alm had his driver's license issued with a photo of him wearing pasta stainer on his head.

A self-confessed atheist, Mr Alm says he belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Read and believe.

Wonder only if his name can really be "Alm?" Of it he had it shortened from the more traditional "Alms?" Or the more rigorous Austrian spelling "Almsforzepoor"