It takes a great, great editorial cartoonist like Peterson to capture in a line an entire story. See his take on Ryan Baloney on page D3 of today's Sun.
Ryan is clutching cash in hand. The caption is, "I did not have cheques with this man!"
Wonderful! Succinct! Falling down funny.
Last night, at an otherwise warm and enjoyable Christmas party, I almost got into a punch-up with another guest.
Somehow, in a group of 4 standing about, waiting for the call to the trough, the subject of Ryan came up.
When I said that I thought, as I have thought for a great many years, that Ryan was a crook and a disgrace and a dreadful Prime Minister and that he was cheating on his taxes and that this was known as a crime, Mr. Square Head said, "Hey, that's how the real world works. That's business."
I love when guys say stuff like that.
I said, "Not my world, Pal."
So he went for the old My Asshole isn't as Bad as Your Asshole Trick.
"Yah? Well, what about Chretien?"
Guess he thought because I didn't like Ryan, I was a Liberal.
I love when guys are that simple.
"What about Chretien? He was just as bad. What's that got to do with a Prime Minister hawking war weapons and stuffing cash into secret security boxes in 2 different countries and not declaring income.?"
Fortunately, a much nicer person that both me and Square Head came along and whisked me off into a corner to talk about something else.