Be careful what you wish for...
Dare I wish for the intractable, hateful, murderous conflict between Israel and everybody else to end and find a peace for all?
I am a Jew living in Canada and I am daily made sick to the stomach of the continuing news of death and the relentless hatred towards Israel.
Will some small ray of light appear on that stage in 2009? We can dream...
I wish our Canadian soldiers back from Afghanistan.
I wish for a friendlier, more relaxed, more open Canadian citizen, one who can actually smile and say, "Good morning," as you pass each other in the street.
I wish for more insulation and double-glazed windows for my lovely, but terribly energy-inefficient house.
I wish for some political leadership somewhere in Canada at any level.
I wish everyone gets home safely tonight from the revels.
I wish I could get past the Miser Within that keeps me from taking advantage of the Boxing Week sales to buy that fancy new camera I really covet.
I wish you all a year of good health, some coins in your jeans, and the warmth and companionship of friends, families and lovers in whatever shapes, sizes and colours they may appear.