Friday, June 29, 2007

Wasting The Court's Time

Penny Paul, Brian Butters. Penny Paul, Brian Butters.

Pardon my outright discrimination, but the very names tell of the frivolousness and lack of substance in the case. So sue me.

"The case" is the one in which the women at a private golf club feel slighted that they can't go into the men's bar. They then wasted the public's time and money by seeking redress (so to speak) at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal and ultimately the Supreme Court of Canada. These are privileged rich people taking up the court's (read, yours and mine) time and tax dollars with selfish irrelevant idiocy.

The Supreme Court threw them out the door. NEXT!

Bravo. Bravissimo.

The Supreme Court said it didn't have the time or patience for this. And the Court was right.

Now, in complete contrast to this disgusting immaturity, read the story and the not one, but two, editorials in the NY Times on a Supreme Court decision yesterday in Washington that is about race and schooling and segregation and federal law vs. local law. Now, that's a serious and worthy issue.


Anonymous said...


Interesting comments, here's some additional history.

Penny Paul & the 36 odd female complainants knew what the rules were when they joined the private Marine Drive Golf Club. (By the way, women only pay 50% of what men pay, now why aren't the ladies screaming discrimination about that). After they joined, they wanted to make changes on how the 86-year old club is run. They couldn't do it democratically by voting in a more compliant board. So what did these great legal minds (several of the complainants are female lawyers) do next?

They sued their fellow club mates and using the courts and legal aid to boot. It almost makes you feel proud seeing your hard earned tax dollars at work helping wealthy female golfers fight the evils of discrimination at a private golf club. Long live the revolution.

What a stupid way to make friends and influence people - - do what we say or we’ll sue your ass off! Dale Carnegie would be proud.

After 4 years of legal wrangling and an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, these ladies still aren’t allowed into the men’s only bullpen; however these broads sure have the set of balls to qualify!

David Berner said...

You couldn't have said it better!