Friday, August 17, 2007


The courts have left us all far behind.

The average Canadian is baffled, confused and enraged.

Newspapers across the country could easily feature a daily page called "COURT INSANITY FOR TODAY." It would fill the page.

Today's best comes from Montreal.

A man beats his girlfriend to death. He pleads guilty and gets 7 years. Not bad enough? Oh, it gets better.

He gets out, applies for a teaching job and, of course, forgets to write down his criminal, violent, murderous past. Ooops.

The school board soon learns of asshole's indiscretions and fires him.

Court to the rescue!

Under the Quebec Charter of Rights & Freedoms, you cannot withhold employment if a person's crimes have no immediate reflection on their employment.

In this case, psychiatrists - the evil bain of all court proceedings - agreed that the poor boy had suffered a "blackout" or brief and rare "psychotic break" when he murdered his girlfriend.

Please, please, please hold these nutty bastards liable and responsible when this maniac kills a female student who disagrees with him about the locus of a point always moving equidistant from the centre.

And please, please, please encourage the school board to take this to the highest court.

And, if you are the parent of a child at this school refuse to let your child attend class until this sick man-child is removed.

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