Monday, November 12, 2007

2010 the Machinery for Social Policy

We've had years and years to consider major issues of social policy, such as the legalization of prostitution or pot and the need for more social housing.

Little to nothing was done.

But now - ecco! behold! the new Millennium has arrived.

Suddenly the City Fathers and Mothers are alive with suggestions and plans and initiatives.

Co-op brothels, legal grass, thousands of housing units! Ta-Da!!!

And why? What has engendered all this outflowing of human kindness and community creativity?

Why, the Olympic Games, of course.

Allow me to not be happy and impressed.

First of all, we wrote (Calling Something Good Doesn't make it So) about the ugly idea for co-op brothels only 2 days ago.

But once again this is headline news.

Libby Davies and The Nutty Mayor and a prostitute are all pushing for co-op brothels. The mayor and Davies are motivated, not by compassion or reason or care, but by know...The Olympics.

The mayor keeps talking about somebody called "survival sex workers." Who is that? What is that? I am very far out of the official loops these days and I don't know what that means.

Please explain.

Of course, look at the other clever souls who support this madness: Hedy Fry, The Worst MP in the History of Canadian Parliament (Does she see Burning Condoms on the Lawns of the Brothels?) and Senator Larry Campbell, until the Arrival of Sam, the Worst Mayor in the History of Vancouver, and the living poster boy for the Abolition of the Red Chamber.

Fortunately there are some who are willing to speak out against this atrociously bad idea.

A woman from Rape Relief speaks against having "disposable women" made available for the Olympics. Vancouver Police Constable Tim Fanning points out that prostitution is "just a breath short of slavery."

Unfortunately, the minute you identify yourself as against this notion, you are called names and branded as "a moralist, uptight, backward, etc..."

So before all the highly superior name-calling happens, let me say again...

Prostitution is slavery. This is not some idle dream that visited me. I worked with hundreds of women who were prostitutes and I know that they all hated themselves and every minute of what they did.

Not because there is something wrong with sex or even sex for money.

But because you cannot turn sexual activity into a business without destroying yourself.

And to consider this very bad idea all in the name of putting on a Happy Face for 2010 is the ultimate obscenity.

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