Monday, November 5, 2007

Tom Christensen Should Resign. The Ministry Should be Sued in the Wrongful Death of Savannah Hall, age 3.

Here's the quote of the week/month/year:

Children & families Minister, who just spent $560,000 of your hard earned taxpayers money on Victoria office renovations, comments on what has now been called the "homicide" of 3 year old Savannah Hall:

"The ministry knows that it could have better served Savannah Hall."

Did the minister know that the foster "mother"/murderer had NINE children in "care?"

Did the minister know that the mother/murderer was under investigation when Savannah Hall was placed in her "care?"

Did the minister know that there are not enough case workers to do the job, because the ministry won't provide adequate funding, which is hard to do when you're redecorating the office?

Does the minister know much of anything?

Should the minister have his job? Be in "public service?"

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