Sunday, December 16, 2007

More Column Reactions

For a dickhead who knows nothing about the sex industry, you really shoot your mouth off. If you want an example of women exploited in degrading work conditions, check out walmart or burger king.. but at least they work in safety! The girls at madame cleo's are pulling in 2 to 3 hundred dollars an hour and cleo has been up and running for over 30 years completely free of police harassment. Why should east end girls not have the sAME RIGHT TO DO THE SAME THING? THIS IS A TRANSITIONAL TIME IN THE BIZ AND THE LAST THING WE NEED IS IGNORANT BYSTANDERS LIKE YOU MORALIZING FROM HIGH HORSES SO GO FUCK YOURSELF AND SHUT UP!!!!

I remember when you spoke about addictions at UBC and told the psychiatrists and others present that they "suck off the tit of the misery of humanity." Today when young 'uns are taken to psych wards they are given anti-depressant drugs (many of which carry a warning of suicide as a consequence). Then these children are allowed out on day passes where they meet their friends and do more drugs.Nothing is done about this. Invasion of Privacy? Who knows. Why is suicide the number one killer of 18-24 year olds in this province? That Coroner's Report this week did not say why.. It is to laugh or cry.


Anonymous said...

Shame on that angry man. Must be a client of the woman he mentioned. Maybe he's afraid he won't be serviced anymore!
Then there are all those places in Richmond. Whatever became of that well publicized police raid on all those sites?
And that idiotic sentence for THAT MADAM! Maybe you should call Ozzie Kaban. He knows who's screwing whom and all kinds of other good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Fools comments like fools faces are often seen in public places. The 'dickhead' commenter is truly in need of a good dose of reality and common manners. Having worked at Hastings and Columbia and Hastings and Vernon and witnessed what drugs do to those on the streets this poster needs to get his head out of the sand. I wonder if he works for Silly Sam up on 12th Ave? (And no I have nothing to do with the BCTF)

Anonymous said...

What, no death threats?

Anonymous said...

Your column is no longer listed on p24 of the online edition of the Province. Seems a bit strange.

David Berner said...

That's because it is on page A22. And it is there.