Monday, December 10, 2007

Pickton Guilty - Much Still to Consider

Robert Pickton has been found guilty of 6 counts of murder. That's a good thing.

But much remains to consider.

First, he was charged with first-degree murder, but found guilty of second-degree murder, the thinking being that although he intended to kill, the murders were neither planned nor deliberate.

That would suggest the bizarre possibility that serial murderers can be spontaneous.

Next, the equally bizarre possibility exists that, although Pickton will be sentenced to life in prison, the typically unhinged parole board might some day recommend that he be released. This is most unlikely, but given the sorry state of human nature, why allow even the remote option to exist.

Then, we must consider the issue of pursuing a second trial on 20 additional murders. I believe we should do exactly that. But you can certainly have your say both in the comments to this post and in the survey to the right of this entry.

Finally, although it is most likely that Pickton acted alone in his monstrous insanity, he was hardly alone in the atmosphere that proceeded these murders. Many people, including "upstanding" and often well-known and well-placed citizens were known to favor a little fun at the pig farm on a steady basis.

Will these stories and these names ever come to light?


Anonymous said...

It was a non-sensical verdict. If you go by the chronology and can only find him guilty of
second-degree on the first murder that occurred, then every subsequent murder has to be
first-degree. Nothing else is possible. Unfortunately, our system is too stupid to make that right. If things were just, the judge would set aside the verdict and enter a special verdict, whereby the convictions are 5 of first-degree and 1 of

THE GOOD NEWS: the convictions will ensure he won't ever be released AND the judge will almost certainly nail him with a
parole-ineligibility period of 20 to 25 years. If anyone deserves the max, it is him. If he doesn't get it, then the provisions set out in our laws are a myth. That is, nobody convicted of second-degree murder will ever be hit with a p-i period of 25 years. So, why tolerate our officials speaking to the contrary? They know it's a lie.

Anonymous said...

"Will these stories and these names ever come to light"? Nope. Fear of Civil Litigation guarantee's the bad guys are untouchable. Sad.

MurdocK said...


"then the provisions set out in our laws are a myth"

is very much the truth.

we are moving towards the elimination of 'due process' more because the burden of proof will become too extreme.

my concern is that our collective fear will push the powers that be to eliminate our habeus corpus and open the floodgates to street justice AND enforcement. Making judge dredd's of all those tazer tots.

MurdocK said...

your poll,

David I answered no to your 20 more counts indictment.

The crown should take no further action right now unless and until Mr Pickton and his lawyers (paid for by thee and me) appeal this current conviction.

Make sure that, at the very least, these 6 convictions STAND.

As soon as the appeals are launched, bring out 10 more indictments. Save the other 10 for the 'second barrel'.

Thus I am not against the use of indictments on these other counts, just not all 20 at once and certainly NOT NOW.