Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Someone Please Take a Census of How Far Behind Census Canada Always is

It is instructive to see Malcolm Brodie talking about "diversity in Richmond."

What he doesn't acknowledge, of course, is that most of the recent immigrant citizens in his city do not vote. He is a Mayor by Default.

No knowledgeable electorate - if such a thing exists anywhere on this flat earth - would tolerate such incompetence.

As for the other revelations from Census Canada - duh?

We didn't know about the changing and largely changed demographics here in "British" Columbia? And how these changes make us "world-class" is mysterious.

And neither French nor English is the first language of 40%? This is news. This is what has been self-evident for some time now to anyone who leaves his house.

When you are invited to take your driver's license written test in one of 140 languages, you know something has changed in the last generation.

For good or bad - and there is a full and hearty mix of both in this story - this is the new reality and Census Canada is, as usual way behind the curve.

1 comment:

Robert W. said...

David, well said! Let's now wait for an Anonymous poster to call you a racist. Of course you're anything but!

The other day I was telling my best friend, a fellow of South Asian ethnicity, that I thought it absolutely wrong for drivers tests to be conducted in anything other than English. At first he took affront to this. Then I added, "I actually don't care what language the tests and street signs are in but it should all be in only one. So if enough people feel strongly that the language should be Kachi or Russian or Mandarin then so be it. Let's have a referendum and all vote. But in the end, it should only be one language for all."

If that makes me a bigot then it's yet further proof that I'm living in the Twilight Zone!