Saturday, January 10, 2009

Coming Home to Roost


was the headline on the front page of yesterdays' Vancouver Sun.

Our response?

Shock? Not really.

Here's what I wrote on Tuesday.

"These public-private partnerships might even work on occasion if the rubes who are in public office and who have never run so much as a Bingo game weren't creaming their jeans with the excitement of playing with the Big Boys.

The suits in the towers must be bending over in hysterics every time the phone rings from one of these municipal offices with yet another grand scheme to build a highway or a subway line or a bunch of hospitals."

Now, we are told that the tab could run close to One Billion Dollars.

Understand that any shortfall will have to be made up by raising taxes and that I and you will pay for the clownish country-bumpkin mistakes of these elected clods and that and you will pay for some idiot's right to pay $1,200/square foot to live in a concrete box and call it home.


Anonymous said...

Campbell's P-3's are not real P-3's at all as the private sector does not assume risk. The same is true of RAV (why doesn't bill Boring 'get it?) and the proposed Evergreen P-3.

Want to see how real P-3's work, check out Dublin's and Nottingham's new LRT lines - they operate at a profit (profit divided among the P-3 consortium) after paying their debt servicing.

Hell, Campbell and Falcon will not tell the public the total cost of RAV/Canada Line, which includes debt servicing. Why? Simple, it will show that Liberal P-3's are ponzi schemes that benefit business at the detriment of the taxpayer.

David Berner said...

This previous comment is exactly and literally correct.