Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The dictatorship, the one-man show known as the Provincial Government rode high to the rescue yesterday.

Gordon Campbell, a.k.a. the Lone Stranger, announced new initiatives on two important fronts.

In the first case, no money is attached to the plan, which means it doesn't actually exist.

In the second, the money and the plan are too meagre to be taken seriously.

Both are pre-election burps.

Second case first: $600 Million for two new hospitals up-Island at Campbell River and Comox.

$600 Million? What are they, Quonset huts?

If this is such a good idea why are all the doctors and citizens in the area disgusted with it?

Why now?

But we know the answer to that one.

First Big Idea:

Elliott Mess, the Premier of the Province, is going postal, pulling out all the firearms and vowing to rid our streets and IGA parking lots of criminal gubfire. (Woody Allen's great early comedy, "Take the Money and Run," gave us that classic line, "Does this note say, "I have a gub?"")


And all of this will happen without any new dollars being spent.

And all of this will happen without what all of us know must happen sooner than later - the creation of a Metro Police Force that covers the Lower Mainland.

All of this will happen by moving two beat cops from traffic to gangs?

And all of this announcement is without the presence of our two official law enforcement boobs, W. Opaque and John van Donkey.

Gordo the Great to the rescue.

Of course, we are all immensely relieved and grateful.

Following this post is a duplicate of Bill Tieleman's call for the resignation of Wally, the Fish, taken, with his blessing, from Bill's blog.

There's no question that DodgeBall City needs a new sheriff in town, one with bullets in his guns.

But is it any of the Current Pretenders?

(By the way...servers at Tim Horton's are no longer asking if you want double cream and sugar. Now it's simply, "Will that be shooting or non-shooting?")


Anonymous said...

I recently commented in response to your previous post on this topic, and I too called for an amalgamation of Metro police forces.

I believe that van Dongen (the Solicitor-General) agrees, but there is no political will (read leadership) in Victoria on this. There never is for any form of municipal amalgamation, since that would mean there would be losers in the redistribution of power.

Ultimately, the provincial government is responsible for policing throughout BC. The RCMP contract comes up for renewal in 2012. That would be an excellent time to amalgamate. We need to increase pressure on Metro mayors and Victoria starting now, and force them to put the people's interest before their own.

Anonymous said...

I recently commented in response to your previous post on this topic, and I too called for an amalgamation of Metro police forces.

I believe that van Dongen (the Solicitor-General) agrees, but there is no political will (read leadership) in Victoria on this. There never is for any form of municipal amalgamation, since that would mean there would be losers in the redistribution of power.

Ultimately, the provincial government is responsible for policing throughout BC. The RCMP contract comes up for renewal in 2012. That would be an excellent time to amalgamate. We need to increase pressure on Metro mayors and Victoria starting now, and force them to put the people's interest before their own.

Anonymous said...

How long will it be before the Mexican government warns its citizens about visiting Vancouver and the dangers of being caught in drug-related crossfire?


Anonymous said...

You don't know just how close to the truth your statement re Tim Horton's. I went into the Timmie's at 86th and 200th at 6:30 this morning on my way to the airport. Wonders of wonders, here's a shot up high end pick up truck up on the deck of a tow truck, police tape all around the parking lot and media surrounding everything.

. . . yup, another shoot em up in Langley not 3 blocks from where the other one was at the IGA and as usual media reports are sketchy at best . . . go figure . . . .

Time to "get outta Dodge"

Anonymous said...

David, the problem is even more perilous. The so-called drug lords are everyday people, people who support local sports, festivals and politicians.

What we see happening on the streets is the foot-soldier's foot soldiers fighting it out for turf. The people running the show would never dirty their hands with street fighting - tut - tut.

If you really want to cure the problem, you have to rid the province of casinos, which are strictly for money laundering. You have to vet all political donations. You have to vet all donations to minor sports and civic festivals.

Spending money on the public is a good way for drug dealers to blend into the community.

This is why the drug trade in BC is so insidious, its putrid tentacles have engulfed the entire province, because to the Premier, dealing drugs is 'good' business, just like any other business.

The question is, do we, as a society, willing to live with drug dealers or not? To date, we do.

A note: An acquittance has returned to the metro area from the interior and he said, "if it wasn't for the grow-ops and other drug business, the town he was working in, would have closed shop and become another BC ghost-town. His opinion was that bout 75% of the money spent in the local economy originated in the drug business.

Campbell and Waldo know that and prefer to look the other way.

NRF said...

Caution please. Premier Campbell warned that doing something about this situation will take time. The Liberals have had only 8 years to make violent crime a priority for action. What do you complainers expect?

There are still many elements to be reviewed. We need to investigate actions taken against crime in hot spots around the world - places like Honolulu, Bangkok, Buenos Aires and Scottsdale. Since this year's winter holidays are booked, it might be a while before these studies are complete.

Don't worry though, once the Olympics are over, the Liberal Government will turn its full attention to thinking about doing something.

Anonymous said...

Let's see now - We have a gang/murder/crime problem. Stonewally says it is the Feds who are the problem. The Feds say the laws are AOK but it is the Attorney- General and its minions that are not using the proper laws. And Gordo stands in the Ledge and blows #$@!% this week about the killings. NICE. It goes in a circle. The blame game. And Nero gets a bad rap over Rome being burned. These jokers don't even know the game. They have covered their respective asses with gold plated salaries and pensions and have left the rest of us to suffer the slings and arrows of the criminal drug elements. Just look to Gordo to move and live in Maui (with whomever) and avoid the Ledge in the next few years until 2010 before he shows up for a photo-op at the Ledge. He is sooo pathetic.

Robert W. said...

I cannot dispute any of the previous comments. But if the Liberals aren't prepared to resolve this problem, does anyone REALLY think the NDP will do a thing about it either?

Only once the innocent death count rises incessantly will something be done.
