Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mr. Mayor

I didn't vote for him and I endorsed the other guy.

But to date, Gregor Robertson has been an exemplary Mayor for Vancouver.

He may yet make some false moves, three years in the public spotlight is a long time for the best of us.

But to date, he has shown leadership and what appears to be a keen interest in making this city a slightly better place for all of us.

Kudos and best wishes.


Anonymous said...

David, You may want to check out yesterday's news release, and think about revisiting your opinion. Vacuous comes to mind. Meaningless gesture comes to mind. See

City Hall Lawn Becomes Vegetable Garden. No... seriously. Gregor's symbolic gesture was announced today: "...that a portion of the City Hall lawn will be converted into a community garden. The idea to grow local food on the grounds of City Hall...". Thank goodness that Gregor's own gray matter was not taxed too much on this policy issue. Although Andrea was busy with her "chicken's in the city" initiative, Gregor has been able to harness the collective mental horsepower of the "Greenest City Action Team", namely:Dr. David Suzuki, Former Premier Mike Harcourt, and Vancity CEO Tamara Vrooman. Lets boogie!

Tony Wade said...

Sheesh David...That is the first positive comment I have heard you utter since we did the 'Rocky Mountain Car Rally' together in 1974.
Keep it up! ;-)