Saturday, March 7, 2009

Victor on his Continuing Love Affair with Obama, The Second Coming of the Messiah

In the 14th century, when one third of Europe's population died of the
plague, the treatment of choice involved bringing the sick into
cathedrals where the monks would bleed them and preach soaring
sermons. It had no effect other than to make matters worse by
bleeding sick people.

Since Obama was elected, the stock market has lost 20 per cent of its
value. Soaring speeches have had no effect and bleeding taxpayers will
make a sick economy worse.

No speech, no matter how eloquent, will do anything to change
America's systemic problems including: unproductive workers producing
unreliable products, financial scammers at the highest level, a huge
and growing entitlement class and an economy based on mindless

The Community Organizer in Chief and the monks have much in common.


Anonymous said...

The problem in the USA is far worse than many think. Their economic system, which is used by almost every Western Country, is based on total greed and avarice. "To hell with the small guy" and "There is a sucker born every minute." is the credo of the US economic system.

Also add to this a mixture of ultra conservative weirdo-Christian dogma and Military 'penis envy' and you got a disaster waiting to happen.

To sell this mumbo jumbo free-market/free enterprise system the US politicos had to give the people cheap houses and cheap baubles. Rome did the same thing about 2,000 years ago.

Problem is, there wasn't enough money to pay for this American dream. As the banks began to call in mortgages on junk loans, American Industry, fattened on inept management who cared more for personal gain than running a viable operation, began to fail.

Soon the whole house of cards of cheap loans, garbage product, and corruption in high political offices, collapsed.

Just wait till this May and May 2010 and the deluge of defaulted mortgages heap up like corpses at an abattoir.

It would be better for Harpo and Gordo, wait and keep the Canadian population healthy, instead on squandering billion of dollars on dubious politically inspired "infrastructure projects".

Starving people revolt and Harpo & Gordo may be way over their heads on this one.

The clock is ticking and the defaulting loans and mortgages are mounting. You can print only so much money.................

Anonymous said...

Bravo to Victor who understands the fraud that is Obama, and his administration...