Saturday, November 14, 2009

Om & The Bottom Line

Do you believe everything?

An article in the morning press is titled "Raising Spirituality in the Workplace."

You think that's funny?

The leaders in this movement are Telus and the Bank of Montreal.


I have a rabbi friend who teaches a regular class in "Business Ethics."

Every time he mentions this, I say, "Rabbi, please. With all due respect, stop pulling my chain."


Jeff Taylor said...

I may not be a person of great faith, BUT I try very hard to respect what people believe in. HOWEVER, the work place ( much like public schools ) is NOT the place for religion to be openly practised. One can be at work, sitting at their desk feeling as faithful to their chosen religion as much as they want, BUT please DON'T expect special treatment during work hours.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what is meant by "raising spirituality", however, I think that information and knowledge of various spiritual practices and world religions is a good thing.

For example, I would be sensitive to a Jewish Co-worker who may be celebrating a holiday which is not recognized in a predominantly Christian Culture. Perhaps understanding why they prefer not to be available Saturday will allow a manager to work with this individual to trade work with another individual (Christian) who would prefer Sundays off.

Another example, if someone is Muslim and observes Ramadan, perhaps that month they can have the less labour intensive duties (but pick up for others after Ramadan is over). (Note - during the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during the day)

Yet another example, again, for a Muslim, if it is possible that they can have a chance to pray during the work day, it would be nice. (That is not to say that they will get extra breaks - their regular break allotment can be broken up so that he may pray during them). Or if this hypothetical Muslim employee is a non-smoker - perhaps it can be negotiated that while the others are taking smoke breaks, he can take "pray breaks"

This is not "special treatment" - it is recognition of differences and variety. It fosters understanding and respect.