Saturday, October 15, 2011


ideacity on Broadcast Live Free


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this......

A straight forward and eye-opening speech. How complacent and ignorant we are.

Jeff Taylor said...

Thanks for posting this video David. I remember when I was living in Toronto (2007-2009) and I first discovered NewsTalk1010 one day where I eventually heard Tarek Fatah speak. I'll admit that at first I thought to myself that he was probably going to be this left-leaning guy that was against everything at the centre or the right. Man was I wrong. I was so impressed on how he was not only able, but willing to tell a lot of truths that not even people in his own community and or faith wanted to hear. I grew to really respect him the more I listened to what he had to say - especially about his own religion and the people that practise it. Canada, specifically Canadians, would do themselves a world of good to have a close listen to what Mr. Fatah has to say. This video should be required viewing by all Canadians.

Leah said...

Totally agreed Jeff!! Thanks for this video David - I'm posting it to Facebook, with the hope that it will catch on and spread like a virus.