Sunday, July 13, 2008

The face of (highly mistaken, do-gooding) Evil

The photo shown below with the Margaret Wente piece is of Bethany Jeal, a nurse with the Downtown East Side Clinical Housing Team, whatever that is.

I believe that the sickest person in the DTES is this young woman and her colleagues.

They are so sincere, so caring, so sure that they are helping.

Let's be very, very clear.

I spent 10 years of my life working with addicts.

Not only would it never have occurred to me to don rubber gloves and hand out killing machines, we never even for one second discussed drugs!

We talked a lot.

We talked about sadness, anger, disappointment, work, accomplishment, love, friendship, parents, children, art, music, sport, food, LIFE.

Result? Literally hundreds and hundreds of clean and sober non-using former addicts.

When I see the likes of Bethany, I don't know if I want to cry or grab an axe.


Anonymous said...

Result? Literally hundreds and hundreds of clean and sober non-using former addicts.

Is this your own anecdotal bit or do you have something more substantial backing up your claims?

David Berner said...

The Foundation continues in Manitoba 40 years later. Try this link for starters:

There is nothing anecdotal about the people I can name.