Sunday, March 15, 2009


“We cannot attract and retain the best and the brightest talent..."

This is the straight-faced quote from Edward M. Liddy (a relative of Gordon Liddy of Watergate infamy?), the government appointed boss at AIG.

He is speaking of the many, many hundreds of millions of dollars that AIG will be paying out in bonuses to the executives who destroyed the company.

The Company they destroyed has now received about $170 Billion in taxpayer bailout monies.

That's quite a trick.

You ruin a huge multi-national financial institution that triggers a worldwide collapse of economies and you get paid performance bonuses, while the taxpayers (teachers, nurses, ditch diggers, cable guys, posties, blackjack dealers) give you many Billions to stay afloat.

Why were none of us ever taught this strategy in Economics 104?


Anonymous said...

“We cannot attract and retain the best and the brightest talent..." David is this not the same pap that our politicians trot out when patting themselves on the back with self imposed raises? I mean think about it, we must attract the Hedy Fry's, the Wally Ofal's, the Larry Campbells, Libby Davie's, Jenny Kwan's, etc., etc.,You won't attract a Cadillac Socialist for the Sticker Price of a Chevette.

Anonymous said...

Put a stop to corporate greed, by raising the income tax on personal income above $1 million to 99 per cent.