Friday, January 26, 2007


This is the way we sell our drugs, sell our drugs, sell our drugs.

This is the way we sell our drugs, so earlie in the morning.

When will the public and the media awaken to their silent complicity in the marketing of useless and over-prescribed and dangerous poisons?

In Ottawa today, we have the story of Health Canada (another riotous, self-satirizing oxymoron) approving a new pill to help you stop smoking. The only problem is that the Doctor who conducted the trials and wrote the report that resulted in Health Canada's approvals was on the payroll of Pfizer, the multi-billion dollar pharma-giant who will market the product.

This is an on-going story that emerges with startling regularity at Bethesda, Mayland's National Institute of Health and like research factories around the globe.

Keep in mind that the number one business in the world today is armaments. Guns, bullets, tanks, jets, we kindly humans just can't get enough of them.

In terms of pure dollar traded value, quickly after armaments march oil and legal and illegal drugs. Pick yer poison.

But from Toronto comes this pernicious bit of sideshow hucksterism posing as a "science report." "Drug cocktail doubles rates of recovery from depression, study finds." The article tells us the lie that has been told so many times it is now taken for the truth - "five million Canadians suffer from depression." Nonsense. It then goes on to encourage our gullible stupid consuming selves that if only we would take our anti-depressant along with a sedative, well then - presto, change-o, we'll all be Debbie Reynolds, or, at the least, Marie Von Trapp.

Dont kid yourself, Dear Bloggsters. The hills are alive with bullshit and its your sovereign duty to watch where you step.


Federal Liberal leader Stephane Dion, armed with absolutely no knowledge whereof he speaks, said Thursday about Vancouver's Safe Injection site, "It's a pilot project which seems to be quite a success."
"...seems to be quite a success." Hm...

Here's a small notion for you, Steph. In matters of urgent public policy, you might try study and enquiry. They don't always work, Baby, but they're usually a mite more satisfactory than shooting from the hip.


"...I actually don't have a clue..."