Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am a right wing fundamentalist Christian Suburbanite

I must be, because I do not favor Insite and Harm Section.

According to a Chad Skelton piece in today's Sun "municipal candidates in Vancouver are far more likely to support harm-reduction measures like needle exchanges and supervised injection sites than those in the suburbs, according to an exclusive survey of candidates by The Vancouver Sun.

A whopping 74 per cent of Vancouver candidates surveyed said they agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, "Harm reduction measures like needle exchanges and the supervised injection site are a good idea."

In contrast, just 37 per cent of Metro Vancouver candidates outside Vancouver agreed with the statement."

I was going to vote for Geoff Meggs for City Council, for example. But this article tells me that Meggs strongly supports these disasters. I won't vote or him or anyone else who doesn't see the ruin in these measures.

On the other hand, Jordan Bateman, an incumbent councillor in Langley Township, wrote on his survey that he strongly disagrees with harm-reduction measures.

"I just don't see how you can provide drugs to addicts and expect them to get out of addiction," said Bateman.

But, as we all know, folks like Bateman and me are Neanderthals. We just somehow can't get the prevailing wisdom brought down from the mount by those two Gods of Clear Public Thought, Larry Campbell and Philip Owen.

So what, you may ask, am I doing living in West Point Grey, disguising myself as a left-of-center, liberal-minded modern man?

Just messing with the public perception, I guess.

I can't wait to join all my new friends in Chilliwack.

Bridge Question

Have we had one incident ever in the history of Vancouver of Someone falling out of the walking and cycling sidewalk into traffic?

If we have, I missed it.

Peter Ladner wants a fence. Cost $33 Million.

Gregor Robertson wants lanes given over to bicycles and alternating traffic lanes for cars.

Cost $20 million over 6 months.

The Burrard Bridge is already a nightmare if you are driving a car.

Turning it into the Stanley Park Causeway/Lions Gate with alternating lanes will create the worst bottleneck in the city.

Leave it alone, boys.

Fight another fight.

Try something important.

Song for an Election Night

Lies of Omission

Both local dailies have been merciless in their criticism of Gregor Robertson and his famous one-zone blackout, with the Province leading the charge.

The Sun says that Transclunk claims upwards of $10 Million are lost each year from unpaid fares.

Get real.

Make that more than $20 Million.

I was the moderator at a Ladner-Robertson debate 6 days ago.

Here's what Gregor Robertson said.

"People need to pay their fair share of Translink."

He said that while not for a moment admitting that he had this charge waiting for him or that he was going to go to court to contest it.

And we are being asked to trust him.

He also said on that evening that we need a mental health advocate for the city.

Of course, we desperately need a mental health worker for City Hall, but that's another story, isn't it?

Robertson's argument for a new mental health advocate is this: We already have a drug policy coordinator and and homelessness coordinator and "they add incredible value to the city."

These are direct quotes.


If the drug policy coordinator and the homelessness coordinator add such incredible value to the city, then things have definitely changed for the better, right?


They haven't?


He sure is cute.