So Christy Palin squeaks out a win in last week's bi-election.
That is, voters, taxpayers, citizens in a district say, "OK, we're witch ya kiddo. We're bettin' the farm on you."
Moments later, the champagne scarcely dry on her hair, the Squeak-By Premier shares her inner thoughts with us.
"Oh, you know, I'm thinking maybe in the general election which I will soon call I'll run in a different district. One where I'm pretty well guaranteed a walk-in. One where I don't have to be a Barrista-for-a-Day or actually participate in open debates."
Can you say, "Turncoat, Boys & Girls?"
Can you say, "Cheesy?"
Can you say, "Frightened, running blind and ambivalent?"
How about just NOT FIT TO GOVERN.