On Saturday, I wrote in this space about cuts to programs for the mentally ill and the addicted on Vancouver Island.
That story continues with more coverage yesterday and today.
In that context of no money for real needs, how can we explain the deranged rantings of Dr. Perry Kendall, who receives a regular government pay check as the Provincial Health Officer?
Kendall wants you and me to pay for supervised inhalation rooms for crack addicts, saying such facilities would help connect users with treatment programs and help fight the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Aside from the fact that there are almost NO treatment programs and that the addicts who use Insite to shoot heroin almost NEVER end up in treatment programs, what in god's name is Dr. P smoking these days?
Mr. Kendall's support is based on a research paper published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Of course, the so-called study couldn't exactly identify the link between smoking crack and other health problems. The study found that people who smoke crack cocaine are at increased risk of becoming infected with HIV, but did not pinpoint the exact mechanisms behind that link.
The study concluded there is an “urgent need” for public health programs aimed at crack cocaine users, including safer crack kits and supervised inhalation rooms.
Now, in real science, conclusions are not an Olympic activity like JUMPING. In real science, conclusions are arrived at after careful and serious deliberations.
Oh well, never fear.
Egghead to the rescue.
A UBC professor has added this: “The biggest bang for our buck will be taking people who are unengaged in care and getting them engaged in care,” Dr. Conway said, adding that the wait for addiction programs is from seven to 10 days.
The good doctor has no idea what he's talking about.
The wait for addiction programs is 6 months and then some.
The City of Victoria has ONE BED for teenage crack users. One.
Here's what you should do to prevent this evil idiocy.
Send an email today to
Include this message:
Re: Safe places to smoke crack. If you support this idea, you will automatically lose my vote for another term.
Then look up your local MLA and send him or her the same message.
This is public money. Your money.
It is being squandered in the ugliest and most ineffective way.