Marching Backwards, Praise the Lord
Ignorance is also power.
Perverse power.
The Ontario government wants more sex ed in public classrooms.
But wait.
Christians and Muslims strenuously object.
Why should children or adolescents have any knowledge or awareness of bodily functions, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, masturbation, gender differences and issues or any of the other myriad mysteries that are part of the puzzle called sex?
Better they should wear tents and be treated like livestock.
Better they should be preached to about abstinence.
Understand and information are dangerous.
That's why we must leave all this to those ignoramuses we laughingly call parents.
In a perfect world, it would be lovely to think that parents in their wisdom would share and dispense such knowledge with their virgin off-spring.
But they don't.
The fact is they don't.
Proof of the pudding?
The Netherlands, where sex ed has been compulsory in all secondary schools for an ice age, has among the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the world.
Keep 'em in the dark.
Cover them head to foot in dark shrouds.
That'll really help things along.