The headline says "Obama & Clinton Tangle at debate."
But that wasn't the story at all.
The real story was how articulate and focused and fascinating was 3rd place runner John Edwards, who easily outshone his opponents for the Democratic Presidential nomination.
At one great moment, during the increasingly tiresome cat fight between Hillary and Barak, Edwards interjected something like, "How is all this personal mudslinging going to get us better health care, education and housing?"
Hillary was sharp as always, if not lovable.
Obama was curiously mushing and deficient when it came down to details. He was obviously swinging on his own star. He seems to be magnificent when orating in grand terms, but less than assuring when it comes down to the nitty gritty of real issues. he seems to be a man who wants too much to be loved.
Edwards on the other hand was very impressive in every way. Solid, knowledgeable, passionate and reasonable.
It's too bad he hasn't a hope in hell. He might ,make a fine President.
But this is the day that the Oscars were announced.
In modern life, all is show biz.