Friday, March 26, 2010

The Tracks of My Tears

No train...

38 k of unused track...

$10 Million in executive pay in the last six years...

And that's since the whole thing was sold.

Now...wait for it...

$600,000 in severance for two guys who are leaving this tough job.

This is your Gordon Campbell government.

This is your B.C. Rail.

Does the word "corruption" ring a bell?

The appropriately named Shirley Bond is the Minjister of Transportation.

She says this ia all good.

Is her word her Bond?

Is she Bond, Shirley Bond?

Can she leap The Truth in a single bound?


I was wrong.

There is a train.



Wooo wooooo....

1 comment:

John said...

I believe what minister Bond said was "they are entitled to their entitlements".