The following two paragraphs were sent to me in a private email from an old and dear friend who knows whereof she speaks; she might also have added that soon we will be giving smokers free cigarettes:
The following two paragraphs were sent to me in a private email from an old and dear friend who knows whereof she speaks; she might also have added that soon we will be giving smokers free cigarettes:
Posted by David Berner at 12:50 PM 1 comments
My son has a long time friend who is now a school principal.
Mr. P. is furious. He should be. And so should you.
He now has to fill in for the teachers at his school who will not coach teams or referee or help with the school play or grad ceremonies.
I am so tired of this almost annual sham of teachers going on strike just as exams, report cards, inter-mural sports and graduations all come to a spring and summer boil.
The BC Teachers' Federation claims a 73% vote in favour of this cheesy carry-on at the expense of children and parents.
I know dozens of teachers who would love to do these volunteer assignments, but are constrained from doing so because of the Fed.
Posted by David Berner at 9:42 AM 4 comments
Every day something ridiculous happens.
We react, and we chatter about it over coffee and we declare the world gone mad and we make dinner and watch Seinfeld re-runs and forget about it.
Then the next day, something even more outrageous happens.
And we recoil in horror, declaim solemnly over coffee and declare Life as a constant re-enactment of Alice's Mad Tea Party, make dinner, watch Seinfeld and so on.
But then there was yesterday.
A headline so lunatic, so twisted, so incomprehensible, we knew with certainty that The End Is Upon Us.
Here it is:
Posted by David Berner at 11:32 AM 6 comments
Walter Stewart, great Canadian journalist of yore, used to speak of "sweet reasonableness."
He was usually asking where it had gone.
And he never met the BC Teachers' Federation or the provincial government.
Today, we learn that "a major track-and-field meet for Surrey high school students has been cancelled and other sporting events risk the same fate as more B.C. teachers withdraw from voluntary activities, including coaching, to protest a law intended to end their contract dispute."
Posted by David Berner at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Posted by David Berner at 12:12 PM 0 comments
The Vancouver Sun should be given full points for writing an editorial this morning about the overdiagnosing of ADHD.
And full demerits for completely, totally, utterly missing the point.
The piece correctly points out the shocking and destructive rise in alleged cases being reported worldwide.
"U.S. doctors’ office visits for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder rose by 66 per cent between 2000 and 2010.
Posted by David Berner at 9:38 AM 1 comments