Friday, March 30, 2007

Give This Man a Ticket

The Mayor claims that 75% of all drug treatment programs don't work, and therefore they should abandoned and replaced by his innovative drug substitution scheme.

However, his own initiative, the Municipal Ticket Information (in which spitters, pee-ers, poo-ers and other homeless annoyances are issued traffic tickets and required to pay fines for their sins of poverty) is an 81% failure. 176 of 217 tickets issued have not been paid.

By his own lofty standards of science and reason, shouldn't this idiocy be abandoned at once?


Anonymous said...

I find it fascinating that 19% have actually paid their tickets. Perhaps you could actually spin that as a success!


Robert W. said...

Call me a right-wing nut job but I DIRECTLY relate the problems we see on the streets today with the hippie dippie soft touch judges who run our courts today.

These "lovely" non-contributing miscreants have figured out that they can get away with anything they want as long as they keep things relatively non-violent.

NYC introduced a "No Broken Windows" policy. What we would aptly call Vancouver's policy?

Anonymous said...

A large part Broken Windows is the shift in police focus from major crimes to nuisances -- litter, public drunkenness, panhandling, teenagers. The report on Broken Windows indicates that "In these small beginnings, we are told, real crime takes root. . . . The unchecked panhandler is, in effect, the first broken window. So, in effect The Mayor is following Broken Windows. However, even the author of the report is unsure about the theory: "I still to this day do not know if improving order will or will not reduce crime," Wilson said, in 2004. "People have not understood that this was a speculation."
