Thursday, April 19, 2007

Baghdad Explodes; Bush Persists

Shortly after the American attack on Baghdad, Donald Rumsfeld was asked about "the insurgencies" that were obvious on every street corner. The then Secretary of Defense dismissed these actions and isolated and irrelevant and "clearly just looters."
Well, Rummy is gone - thank Christ - and yesterday "the looters," in a series of coordinated attacks killed almost 200 people.
The day before that, Bush cheapened the lives of the dead by using the old, emotional blackmail stunt of referring to the sacrifice of soldiers and their families in his latest attempt to justify this dreadful, unwinnable war.
Look at the destruction for yourself.


pEDRO said...

... i know i'm going to get 'flamed' for this but the only thing to do now in Iraq is pull out, the war (and war is really the wrong word) was lost before we even went in.their fate now is in their hands. yes its going to be tragedy (it going to be disastrous) but its the death of a thousand cuts or you let Iraq become what it is, its going to anyways. and we're not going to like it. ... are we really helping Israel and Palestine out .... no not even a little. was the world better before 911? no. how long are we going to pay for this? seems to me the key to the start of this very complex solution is to help Israel and Palestine ... Israel is part of this world and so is Palestine their not going to go away, how this works, its far too complex for me, but i know that the better it gets Israel and Palestine, the better it will be for Iraq and the rest of the world. violence begets violence and real peace i don't know, ...

pEDRO said...

... sorry about my crappy syntax and spelling, me and words don't mix.