Monday, April 23, 2007

The Trouble With Headlines

Who really knows what happened in that Delta classroom?

The drama teacher for kids ages 11 and 12 has been asking her students to act out the headlines. Last week the headline was Mr. Cho.

Someone complained. Now the teacher is on the carpet and the Sensitivity Police have parachuted in in full force.

What that teacher may have dome with those students may have been really, really dreadful. It may have also have been realy, really wonderful and creative and instructive and transformational and leading to deeper understanding.

How the hell are we supposed to know?

This is bad reporting and bad publishing. If you can't tell me the whole story, be quiet and sip your soda.

1 comment:

Robert W. said...

The most effective thing for this teacher to do is play the victim card and accuse the school board and the media of not being respectful to their ethnic heritage; even if said teacher is a WASP!

Cynical? Moi? Absolutely! But I figure that if everyone starts saying they're a victim then maybe, just maybe we can make this politically correct nonsense a thing of the past!
