Friday, June 8, 2007

God, Gays & Guns

What constitutes "worthy" or "legitimate" debate in general elections?

It is (pick one) amazing? scary? laughable? disheartening? to see that Republicans and Democrats and that great arbitrator of All Things American, Wolfe Blitzer (zzzzzzz....), are all still caught in subjects most of us had long settled and abandoned.

God is your own business. Keep Him/Her/It of the hustings. If you've found Him/Her/It, be happy and be quiet.

Gay is your own business. Fred and Frank living next door to Alicia and Torvel is not the end of the human race. Start up the barbecue and be quiet. there's a worthy topic. But the Americans won't have a reasonable discussion and the politicians are terrified of the NRA, so they won't vote on any bill that might limit Ted Nugent's freedom to pack weapons of mass destruction in his Fargo. And Canadians - well, we have a 2 billion dollar mistake to figure out from our last attempt to make sense of guns.

Yet somehow, when the real issues are Health Care (In America, nobody has it; in Canada, we can't keep paying for it.) and Education and Productivity, the populace will once again be derailed by non-issues like God, gays, Abortion and whether or not Paris Hilton is or isn't in jail somewhere for something as we speak.


Robert W. said...

Let's face it, David, political debates in [name any country] have long become anything but. The candidates are too polished, the talking points too rehearsed, the spin too thick for any real debate to exist. What I think would be much more useful would be for hidden cameras to cover a private round table discussion and then the video to later appear on YouTube!


David Berner said...


Canada is only a little slightly ahead of the Yanks when it comes to political debate. Not in style or oratory - far from it - but we generally leave the foaming at the mouth righteousnous to our friends from Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas.