Friday, June 1, 2007

Harper Politics at its Lowest

Tales of skulduggery in local political circles surface as often as used condoms at the neighbourhood creek bed.

Barbara Yaffe writes in this morning's Vancouver Sun about such carryings-on in Vancouver Quadra's Conservative camp. A long standing party faithful works diligently to secure a nomination only to see the hand writing blazoned on the schoolhouse wall : Get out! Stop it! We have our own hand picked, Harper-sanctioned candidate.

In the article, Yaffe names John Reynolds as the Key Meddler, and she is right.

Mr. Reynolds is now one of the great back room dealers and he apparently loves every cloak-and-dagger moment behind the curtains. Reynolds sweeps across all levels of politics these days - federal, provincial and municipal, swooping down from his national aerie several days a week to advise The Nutty Mayor on a range of subjects about which they both remain blissfully ignorant, but highly opinionated.

But Reynolds is hardly alone. He works in concert these days with some of the slimiest, amoral operatives we've seen in a long time. These are low level mandarins who, having failed at getting or keeping any honorable jobs in life, now find themselves at the Lunch tables of the World. Their salaries and cholesterol levels are climbing, as is their low self-esteem and new regard.

Good luck to them all.

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