Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bureaucrats Continue Their Killing Sprees

A young native boy has died in a Winnipeg hospital when he should have been back home in Norway House.

The reason the boy was stuck in the Winnipeg hospital is that Federal and Provincial bureaucrats argued for 2 years about jurisdiction and every tiny expense to care for the boy.

An editorial in the Canadian Medical Journal has recommended that both governments be sued.

We are seen as an increasingly litigious society.

But for my money, we don't sue often enough or the right people. Every time, some parole genius or other mandarin kills someone with their intransigence, that person and his/her immediate supervisor should be hauled into court to answer for their crimes.

And how is it that in Norway house, a community of 6,000 native people, there are 37 profoundly disabled children? Is anybody having a look at that?

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