Sunday, September 9, 2007

Are We All Teenage Girls?

I hate Facebook.

All of a sudden, people who I haven't heard from in 10 years and who now are declaring me their best friend are asking me to recognize the depth and importance of our relationship on Facebook.

Are they nuts? Lonely? Bored?

You want my email address? You want to write me or call to say something, fine.

But I don't want to go through 12 mouse clicks to read the latest cogent thought you've graffitied on my "wall."

I don't care what movies you like or who your other alleged friends are.
I have 7 pending requests. Just watch them pend for the next 100 years.

I am now averaging 3 Facebook email messages a day.

Be warned, oh childish ones, the Delete button is on and it's active.


Anonymous said...

I must say David, I am somewhat surprised that you actually inhabit the world of Facebook. While I know that businesses and professionals, etc. do use it, somehow I associate it's use more to like, teenagers.

There is actually a paper/essay entitled "Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace". Facebook users I gather are more educated and make more money, so you're in good company (you and my teenage daughter).

You have been poked by a regular reader of your blog!

Martin the Mortician said...

Yes, Facebook can be a pain in the ass, but there is some good to it.

For example, I've reconnected with a lot of people who I went to elementary school and high school with.

The chance of that happening without Facebook...very small. Technology does have its advantages.

Anonymous said...

You sound very cranky these days. You don't like Facebook, you don't like cell phones or Pavarotti. Try a little positive thinking for a change. Cheers

MurdocK said...

Facebook is the ultimate narcissistic experience.

It does have a good use, it helps 'big brother' to keep track of everyone, even the ones whom do not want to have any part of it at all...because there are people on it whom will 'rat out' on you even though they do not know that they are even doing it!

Facebook is a US entity, located in the US, with oversight (not required to ever ID itself) by the Pretorian Guard....ahem...Homeland Security.