Thursday, September 27, 2007


Bush once asked, "Is our children learning?"

Now he has answered, "Childrens do learn." (Spellcheck just had a meltdown.)

A person who cannot speak his own native tongue properly is a dangerous person, a person incapable of real thought.

This is not some adorable, amusing nervous tic. This is a fundamental statement of inadequacy.

How frightening that America twice elected this disturbing fool.


Anonymous said...

absolutely right, David. Could there have possibly been a more ignorant, less engaged president in American history?

MurdocK said...

try woodrow wilson, whom signed the act into law that created the 'Federal Reserve' system?

The current occupant of the oral office is just a trained circus monkey dancing to the tune of 'the man'.

for more inspiration try:

Clueless George Goes to War!

bingo and betty said...

... some days when its really hot and i get far too much sun mahmoud ahmadinejad and george w bush seem like its the same dna that just when so terribly terribly wrong, man i have to get a sun hat. peace.

David Berner said...

and Amen to all of that..