Saturday, September 22, 2007

Where Ideas Don't Stand a Chance

When the provincial government wants to advertise a job, they wrap the notice in a cheesy slogan - "Where Ideas Work."

But the Vancouver Sun's Larry Pynn doing some good work and asking for a Freedom of Information, learned that Victoria is unable to tell him and us what properties it owns in Vancouver.

What makes this failure even more astonishing is that the government just spent $14 Million on a "system" that would allow them to do exactly that.

What's more, they predict it may take another year to get the system operating.

In the meantime, nobody knows or can say which buildings and lots are held by the People's Government.

Ain't it grand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David, this group has systematically sold off most of our assets around BC. In Nelson they managed to con someone into paying $8 million for an ugly old warehouse on Front St. They have probably sold off whatever holdings the public used to own in Vancouver. The City of Vancouver had the same policy last time I checked. (6 mos. ago) Cheers