Thursday, October 18, 2007

Diasable the Enablers on the Queen of What?

Meet Murray, the Pilot.

Murray was my next-door neighbour. Murray was a drunk.

With Captains like Murray at the helm, it's no wonder Canadian Pacific Airlines went tits up.

One day I came home and my son, Sean, then age about 3, told me that Murray, the drunk pilot, had been driving his motorcycle across all the lawns, including ours and that he had almost hit Sean.

When I found Murray a few minutes later, he was enjoying another drink with his buddies in a back yard not too distant.

I had a hockey stick in my hand.

This is what I said,

"Hey, Murray, come by our place again on your motorcycle drunk and I'm going to fucking decapitate you. Please do this cause I really want to hurt you."

That was the last we heard of Murray, the drunk pilot.

Now here's my thinking about this sooooo Coastal funny story about how everybody on BC Ferries is smoking pot.

Shoot the fucker at high noon in the town square.

Drug and alcohol testing are both mandatory and random in the transportation business in America. I'm up for that. What's the problem, Bunkie?

Oh, according to the wisdom of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, you cannot discriminate on the basis of disability, and ....wait for it...drug & alcohol addictions are classified as disabilities.

Of course, this fits the logic that likes to claim that just because I call something blue, it is therefore blue.

If you believe that drug & alcohol addictions are disabilities, you need a thorough head cleaning, and if you think that some dorkhead deckhand on the Queen of IforgethwereIam is disabled because he smokes a joint twice a wek, then we're in really, really big trouble.


Anonymous said...

You said:

. . . if you think that some dorkhead deckhand on the Queen of IforgethwereIam is disabled because he smokes a joint twice a wek, then we're in really, really big trouble.

Well, if he's smoking that joint while on the job, he is certainly disabled in that he is impaired and unable to safely do his job.

nachtwache said...

I'm catching up on my reading, full time work (plus OT ) doesn't leave much time for living.
Well said!
You certainly aren't afraid to speak your mind :) I know I'd be intimidated if I met you.