Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Ministry of Heartbreak

It is heartbreaking to read the continuing nightmare of neglect to foster children from the Child & Family Ministry.

I feel a particular ache in this regard because my mother, may she rest in peace, took in foster children on occasion. One at a time, not nine. And she provided the most loving care and attention imaginable.

Of course, she didn't have to deal with this government's indifference.

The Ministry has been a rotating graveyard for politicians for at least a dozen years now.

And, while the cement is being poured and the monuments clutter the landscape, Children & Families continues to be underfunded and understaffed.

The priorities of this administration are clear.

It's unfortunate that their vision is so muddy.


Anonymous said...

I would humbly suggest that your Mother left this a better place than how she found it. How many chest thumping, big voice in a hollow drum Politions can claim the same?

David Berner said...

That's a very kind thought.
Thank you.