Friday, October 19, 2007


The Vancouver Sun is quite right to highlight the curse of speeding drivers in our communities.

Unfortunately these two simple facts remain after all the hand-wringing is done.

ONE: Every single day, I experience - and I'm sure you do too - lunatics passing me -often on the right side, illegally and dangerously - at top speeds in school zones.

Every day.

Several times a day.

We live in the ME era. If you're not in my SUV or talking to ME on MY cell, then you are not a real person, you don't exist and I needn't think about little you. The ME era is not only obsessed with SUV's and Cells, it is created and defined by SUVs and Cells. What, after all, is an SUV but a high-speed Family Room complete with electronic gadgets.

TWO: As reported on this blog about 2 weeks ago, the province of Ontario has changed its laws. If you are caught speeding, your car is impounded for a week, you are grounded from driving for a week and it costs you about $2,000 to get back on the road. What's wrong with that? I think it is first-rate.

But can you see the laid back, wet coast anything goes province of BC doing anything that reasonable or effective?

Every civil rights lawyer in the province would be in court with a writ and a suit and their hemp socks.


Anonymous said...


Don't perpetuate the myth of the "laid back west coast". We are not laid back, self-involved yes, but not laid back -- perhaps unmotivated would be more like it. Agressive, speeding drivers are not laid back.

And I agree with you, it sounds like Ontario is on the right track.

Anonymous said...

..but, how do we define speeding? Five mph over the limit or 50 mph over? Where should the line be set in order to take away someone's way to get to work?