Friday, October 5, 2007

War Creep Ramsfeld Appointed to Stanford

Donald Rumsfeld, one of the great war criminals of the modern age, has been appointed to the Hoover Institute, a think tank at Stanford University.

The uproar from faculty and students alike has been huge.
The day after the American troops arrived in Baghdad, about 20 generals told Rimsfeld that he was now facing an insurrection. He told them that they were all wrong, that he knew better and that this was just "looting."

Read the CNN story here.


Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed...I've always seen Stanford as one of the higher institutions of learning in the States, and then they go and put Rummy in their "think tank".

Is a space on the board reserved for Dubya, or has the Community College of Western Texas already got him spoken for?

Anonymous said...

And one wonders why we have become so cynical . . . Is there honour in anything these days?