Thursday, November 1, 2007

Massacre Murderers Martyred at Mosque

It was only yesterday that I posted an item on the mass murderers being praised as "martyrs" in a local religious ceremony.

I was pleased to learn today that a man who lost his wife in the Air India murders is challenging the RCMP to investigate this outrageous glorification of violence.

I think more citizens have to challenge and SUE more government offices more often on more issues until such offices get off their backsides and do something approximating the jobs they are being paid to do.

Like, for instance, uphold the law, or protect and serve the community. Quint old ideas like that.


Unknown said...


Not related to this particular story but I thought I would bring it to your attention.

In business section of the Sun today there is a story about the fish farming industry. ( I can't believe you missed this line, or didn't put it in your blog: "Ruth Salmon, acting executive director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, said the industry continues to grow..."

David Berner said...

HAHAHAHAHA...and her famous cousin, Edmund Teller, who works at the local CIBC branch.