Tuesday, December 25, 2007

New News Blogs

Thanks to another comment, we have added a new link to the blog known as "Downtown Eastside Enquirer."

You've got to love a blog that calls Sam Sullivan, Vancouver's "do nothing mayor."

You can find this link on the right hand side of the page scrolling down...or click here.

Also, please note that we have added "NowPublic.com," yet another alternative news source near the top of the page on the right hand side.

Please use and enjoy these 2 new resources.


Anonymous said...

The Downtown Eastside blog is an eye-opener. Particularly the story about how the film industry is screwing (you should pardon the expression) them around. I thought Silly Sam paid someone in the industry to increase film production in the city. This is hardly the way.
The more we learn about the DTES folks, the worse it gets. And just how much money does Muriel Honey earn and what are her qualifications except being married to Dal--who is 90. Is this somewhat obscene?

Anonymous said...

Hi, David,
As a board member of Carnegie who has questioned the legitimacy of the barring of my fellow board member, William Simpson, I really appreciate your coverage of this story.

It was very gutsy of you to post links to the DTESenquirer blog, and the website NowPublic because now, of course, you are also in violation of the Carnegie guidelines and in serious danger of being barred from the Carnegie Centre. Having a link was the entirety of William Simpsons transgression that got him barred indefinitely. Perhaps you will be getting a letter from the City soon!

You might not spend much time in the DTES, so maybe you’re not exposing yourself to a big risk, but imagine if you posted a link to a website that was critical of the City’s police or garbage services. With the kind of precedent that the City has set with their handling of the William Simpson case, they could easily start refusing to pick up your garbage or protecting your family. The basic concept the City is operating from is ridiculous. City Services aren't something that the City should be able to use as a carrot or stick to silence a critic.

I find it ironic that on June 21, 2007 the Director of the Carnegie Centre, flanked by security, met William Simpson at the door of the Carnegie with a letter signed by city manager Jacquie Forbes-Roberts accusing William of contravening the Carnegie Centre written guiding principles which “require patrons and staff to treat one another with respect, settle differences and misunderstandings through patience and goodwill…”

As an elected Carnegie Board member who has been repeatedly stonewalled by City staff over this issue I would hope the obvious tide of public opinion in this matter prompts them to review their actions.
They could start by reviewing another of the Carnegies written guiding principles;
"To ensure that people in our community are supported in finding their own voice, and in participating in the life of the Centre"

Rachel Davis
Member of the Board of Directors,
Carnegie Centre

David Berner said...

Hi Rachel,

Many thanks for this terrifc commentary, which I posted as well on the blog as as stand alone entry.

Best wishes,
