Thursday, January 10, 2008

David Berner on Vancouver's Misguided Drug Policy (Part 4)


Anonymous said...

I love your courage in speaking out David. I'm not knowledgeable about addicts or addiction, but what you say makes great sense to me. It's counter intuitive to provide addicts with their drug of choice. The downtown east side is definitely a cottage industry, supporting many. I know an academic at UBC, working in health care, making in excess of $100K, whom I would consider to be one of the "poverty pimps". Poverty, homelessness and addiction are studied to death with very little positive effect. There are grants aplenty if you know how to write up a good proposal.

You suggest that you are a marginalized figure -- I don't believe that to be the case. "They" may try to marginalize you, but it's not working. People listen to you, you do have influence (I'm sure you know this). Your message is compelling and you're not afraid to name names.


David Berner said...

Hey Mo,

Thank you for those kind thoughts.

I just keep pounding the drum for treatment and more treatment.

Slowly, some of us think the horrible tide is turning.

Best wishes,
